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Corinium Education Trust

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Views of Parents

During the spring of 2019, all schools in The Corinium Education Trust sought feedback from our key stakeholders – parents.

To help us gauge their perceptions and inform our rigorous and on-going evaluation, we used questions similar to those in Ofsted’s online survey, Parent View. Many parents responded to our questionnaires while attending one of their child’s parents’ evenings and, as a consequence, response rates were relatively high.

We subsequently analysed the results and shared these with our Trustees and our schools’ local governing bodies at their summer meetings.

Schools within The Corinium Education Trust have their own distinctive characteristics. Therefore we were very pleased to see the consistently high levels of parent satisfaction across all of our schools: overall 96% of those who responded felt their children were happy in their school and 95% would recommended their children’s schools to other parents.

It was really helpful to understand how our parents feel about the quality of the education we provide across The Corinium Education Trust and we value their feedback. Alongside the quantifiable data, we also invited parents to comment specifically on their and their children’s experiences and many did so citing specific examples, sharing what they thought our schools do well and what they think we could do even better!

While parents were generally overwhelmingly positive about their children’s experiences in our schools, we are not complacent. The Corinium Education Trust’s leadership group have identified areas for further improvement and these have been incorporated into our planning for 2019-20.

We are currently reviewing the first 18 months of being a mixed, all through multi-academy trust with our trustees, members of our local governing bodies and school staff. Furthermore, we also routinely seek feedback from another critical group whose voice we listen too – our pupils!
