Trustee Recruitment
The Corinium Education Trust is seeking to recruit three new trustees. This includes a Chair, who will work collegiately with other stakeholders and all will contribute to ensuring the success of The Corinium Education Trust for the benefit of our pupils and the people we employ. We are entering a new and exciting phase in our development and we plan to embrace the opportunities ahead in the emerging education landscape.
We are looking for people who share our values and will further develop The Corinium Education Trust’s external relationships, build on the firm foundations for excellent governance that are already in place and provide appropriate levels of support and challenge to our organisation.
We are ambitious for all of our schools and our pupils. We are focused on achieving school improvement through effective partnerships and collaboration. As an inclusive Trust, overseeing a Church School, we have a good working relationship with the Diocese of Gloucester: 25% of our Board are Foundation Trustees.
These vacancies on the Board of Trustees have arisen as a result of terms of office coming to an end in line with the principles of effective governance. For example, two long serving trustees, both of whom were instrumental in the creation of The Corinium Education Trust in 2018, will be stepping down from their roles in December 2022.
Our present Chair, Graham Russell, has served a total of 9 years, initially as Chair of Governors at Cirencester Deer Park School. Similarly, Charles Woodd, Chair of The Corinium Education Trust’s Audit and Risk Committee, has served for a total of 11 years, again, first as Governor at Cirencester Deer Park School, before moving into his present role in 2018. Prior to this, Charles was Chair of Governors at a local primary school.
Both have made a significant contribution to the development of The Corinium Education Trust. Significantly, Graham Russell with his experience as a non-executive director in other sectors, has streamlined the Board and enhanced practice. He has brought a positive approach to project management and a determination to get things done and bring about wider improvements. These include creating leadership capacity and a £3m investment in our estates and facilities. It has been a real pleasure and a privilege for me to work with colleagues in order to develop our provision for the benefit of young people. The Corinium Education Trust comprises amazing people, from the pupils in all of the schools to talented teachers who make such a difference. Collaboration in education is so much more positive and productive than competition. Trust is also one of our core values as well as the form of the organisation. These are the foundations which will support future achievements.’ Graham Russell
Charles Woodd (Director, Finance and Chief Actuary, St James’s Place, Wealth Management) has brought his financial acumen to bear on the Trust’s resources and encouraged innovation and creativity. He has overseen and reviewed our accounts and provided advice and guidance. As a Foundation Trustee, he had also monitored the Christian distinctiveness of our Church school. ‘Being responsible for the education of our citizens of the future is one of the most significant privileges I have ever been entrusted with. And the experience has provided amazing life opportunities for me, allowing me to grow personally, and also supporting my career.’ Charles Woodd
A third Trustee, Catherine Leahy, stepped down earlier this year, leaving a further vacancy. As former headteacher of a primary school and an experienced school inspector, she contributed enormously to our school improvement strategy.
More information about governance across The Corinium Education Trust can be found on our website. Read more...
To aid our recruitment of new trustees we are working with Inspiring Governance, Reach Volunteering, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Diocese of Gloucester.
If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please contact either Chiquita Henson, Trust Lead (CEO), or Kathy Jackson, Governance Officer.