‘A useful and productive meeting’
In response to an invitation from Chiquita Henson, Chief Executive, leaders from five local multi-academy trusts in Gloucestershire, attended the first local MAT CEO and FD network group meeting at Cirencester Deer Park School on Thursday 13 December 2018. While keen to attend SW regional network meetings, all present welcomed the opportunity to meet more locally to reflect on the development of multi-academy trusts and share experiences.
‘This group is going to be extremely helpful to me.’ Lyn Dance, Milestone Special School.
At this inaugural meeting, local MAT leaders discussed a range of topics and reflected on common issues. There was a readiness to meet again and the group confirmed the local network should focus on sharing information and experience and collaboration. It was a seen as an opportunity to create capacity and support each other.
Members of the local MAT CEO and FD network benefitted from the range of experience within the group. It includes established CEOs and CEO designates.
‘As a new Chief Executive I was keen to learn from other MAT leaders and I was delighted when other CEOs responded so positively to my initial suggestion of a local network within Gloucestershire. As an outward facing school leader I have always valued the opportunity to contribute to wider system leadership and our first conversation was extremely helpful. There was a willingness to work together and support each other.’ Chiquita Henson, CEO, The Corinium Education Trust.