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Corinium Education Trust

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In the last week of a busy term, unexpected snow and freezing temperatures heralded Christmas in Cirencester and, while this led to school closures and the postponement of some activities, it did not dampen our pupils’ festive spirits! Much fun was had by all in exceptionally snowy playtimes!


‘Thanks to the efforts of all staff for clearing snow and braving the driving conditions. This allowed us to remain open at Kemble during the arctic conditions on Monday 12 December 2022.  I am immensely grateful to everyone for ensuring that the pupils’ learning was not disrupted and for their diligent supervision outside.’ Emma Morrogh-Ryan, Headteacher.


Each school within The Corinium Education Trust delighted in being able to bring their pupils together to celebrate Christmas for the first time in three years. Nativities, Carol Concerts and Pantomimes were back alongside Christmas jumpers, lunches, fayres and parties!


Pupils at Chesterton Primary School walked to The Barn Theatre to learn more about ‘The True Adventures on Marian and Robin Hood’, while pupils at Kemble Primary School had front row seats at ‘Dick Whittington’ at The Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham. While pupils at Siddington C of E Primary School are looking forward to going to the pantomime in the new year, they had the opportunity alongside those from Chesterton Primary School, to see ‘The Satellite before Christmas’ at the Baptist Church in Cirencester.  On the last day of term, pupils at Cirencester Deer Park School were entertained by the performances of the school’s pastoral team in their own unique version of ‘Cinderella’ written by Gwen Hobson, Year 8 Year Leader.


Our youngest pupils had the opportunity to play their parts in their schools’ nativities. At Kemble Primary School, pupils performed ‘Little Angel Gets Her Wings’, to great applause from parents, grandparents and friends. Similarly, over 100 parents attended the ‘Wriggly Nativity’ performed by pupils in Reception and Year 1 at Chesterton Primary School. Pupils at Siddington C of E Primary School were joined by their families and took part in a special nativity service in St Peter’s Church having enjoyed taking part in ‘Experience Christmas’ with Reverend McKenzie.


Our older pupils also delighted audiences with their talents. Those at Cirencester Deer Park performed in the school’s Carol Concert in a packed Parish Church on Tuesday 13 December while pupils in Year 5 at Chesterton went out to sing Christmas Songs at a local care home before returning to the school to sing to each class, including the nursery:

‘The children loved performing. It was certainly a highlight of my day having all of our Year 5 pupils squeeze into my office and sing ‘Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer’ to me acappella!’ Libby Pringle, Headteacher.


We are immensely grateful to our schools’ PTAs and Friends Associations whose members significantly contributed to the festivities and raised funds by running raffles and hosting fayres. At Siddington each pupil was generously given the gift of a book.


All of our pupils were also encouraged to reflect on the meaning of Christmas. At Cirencester Deer Park School, the Christmas Jumper Day raised money for the local food bank and pupils generously donated food items too.


We wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
