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Corinium Education Trust

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Maths Training Day

On Friday 15 February 2019 teachers from Chesterton, Kemble and Siddington C of E Primary Schools came together for a joint in-service training day. Meeting in Chesterton Primary School’s conference room, they focused on looking at a range of ideas and practical activities to support pupils’ learning in Maths, accelerate progress and stretch all learners in their classes.

The morning saw Maths specialist and consultant, Liz Hopkins, take the staff from nursery to Year 6 through a wide range of games and fun activities that could inspire both teachers and children in Maths learning. Teachers then shared good practice in the afternoon after a delicious lunch of lasagne and salad and chocolate brownies and ice-cream. These discussions were facilitated by the Maths leaders from each of our primary schools.

Carol Dougill, Executive Headteacher of Kemble and Siddington C of E Primary Schools, commended the quality of the teachers’ discussions: ‘Great professional conversations were heard and there was a real sense of excitement about teaching Maths and trying out some of the new ideas.’

At the end of the Maths session, teachers viewed clips of outstanding teaching. This provided a further opportunity for teachers to reflect upon their own practice and think about how they may adapt what they do in the future.

Chiquita Henson, CEO, dropped in on the primary schools’ training day towards the end of the day: ‘I was impressed by the way in which teachers from our three primary schools were working together. There was a palpable energy in the room and is was fascinating to see how key concepts and skills such as fractions can be introduced to very young children.’

Teachers were provided with some new resources to help them adapt their practice and introduce new techniques into their classrooms. These were funded through The Corinium Education Trust’s successful bid to the MAT Development and Improvement Fund.

This joint in-service training day was well timed as Chiquita Henson and Trustees have commissioned our first MAT-wide review. This will focus on Maths and is scheduled to take place on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 February 2019.
