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Kemble Remains a 'Good' School

Kemble remains a good school, but is not complacent


Staff, pupils and parents at Kemble Primary School were relieved to receive the letter from Ofsted confirming the outcome of the school’s section 8 inspection on Wednesday 25 May 2022. 


As with all short inspections, the day itself was intense and the process something of a whirlwind! Emma Morrogh-Ryan, Headteacher, her team and pupils were keen to share what they know, understand and can do.


There is no change to the overall judgement that Kemble is a good school, Emma Morrogh-Ryan, her team and governors look forward to welcoming another inspection team back for a full (section 5) inspection next time.


Emma Morrogh-Ryan reflects: ‘We are pleased that the inspection team recognised the strength of our school community and the ambitious curriculum we are developing based on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Improvements to our curriculum, particularly in Phonics, Reading, Writing and Maths, have been validated by recent statutory assessments and there is a clear oversight of pupils with additional needs.’


Receipt of the letter from Ofsted, which constitutes a report, coincided with the arrival of the results of the school’s statutory assessments in Key Stages 1 and 2. These consistently on each measure, including the outcomes in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Phonics, exceeded the national figures and, commendably, a significant proportion of pupils attained greater depth too.


As Headteacher, Emma Morrogh-Ryan was reassured by the exceptionally positive feedback from the school’s stakeholders: staff expressed their loyalty and commitment and pupils reported that they are happy in school and feel safe. Impressively, 100% of parents believe their children do well and would recommend Kemble Primary School to another parent. She is especially grateful to all members of the school’s community and the Corinium Education Trust: ‘Thank you for your ongoing and continuing support. We are confident that the journey for Kemble is strong and we, as a staff, are proud to be part of it.’ Emma Morrogh-Ryan.


‘I am very proud of all that Emma Morrogh-Ryan has been able to achieve at Kemble Primary School. She has inspired her team and supported their professional development. They share a strong vision for the school and encourage pupils to debate big ideas. I am confident they will continue to develop the curriculum, strengthen the foundation subjects and ensure that all pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education. Congratulations!’ Chiquita Henson, Trust Lead (CEO)


>> Go to Ofsted : Kemble Primary School  

