Inset Day
On Monday 7 January 2019 members of staff from across The Corinium Education Trust came together for a joint in-service training day that focused exclusively on teaching and learning.
Our objectives were to:
achieve a consensus about what good teaching and learning looks like across The Corinium Education Trust;
reflect on our shared accountability for pupils’ progress and make sure support and challenge are precisely targeted;
inform The Corinium Education Trust’s appraisal and performance management policy from September 2019.
While staff from three of the schools had previously met at a similar event in January 2018, it was the first official occasion at which teachers and teaching assistants/partners had the opportunity to come together from all four schools within The Corinium Education Trust since its formation in April 2018.
It was an intensive and productive day. Following an initial ice breaker and presentation, colleagues worked together in mixed groups and engaged in productive cross-phase workshops. These were facilitated by senior and middle leaders from across The Corinium Education Trust.
In line with our objectives, we will be using the notes from these sessions to develop our policy and practice. Drafts will be taken back to each school for feedback and revision, before ratification and implementation.
It was reassuring to learn that members of staff from across The Corinium Education Trust share an ambition for and commitment to improving the learning and life chances of children and young people in Cirencester and the South Cotswolds. We have high expectations of each other and the pupils in our schools. Colleagues reflected on their current practice and experience. They shared ideas, challenged and supported each other.
During our in-service training day teachers and teaching assistants/partners defined ‘good’ teaching and learning. This will form the basis of our expectations and provide the basis for future learning reviews. While teachers went on to consider their accountability and effective evaluation and professional development, teaching assistants/partners attended seminars on how to support pupils with specific special education needs.
Our in-service training session ended with a session led by Phil Matthews, from Ace Wellbeing. He reminded everyone about the importance of looking after ourselves and encouraged us to reflect on happiness and contentment. His presentation was challenging and thought provoking. Phil Matthews also worked with members of staff directly involved in nurturing some of our children and young people and supporting their wellbeing.