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Corinium Education Trust

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‘I couldn’t ask for a better school…’

On Monday 27 February 2023, Cirencester Deer Park School’s Headteacher, Richard Clutterbuck, proudly shared the report he received from Ofsted following the school’s inspection on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 January 2023.


‘This evaluation from Ofsted reflects the hard work of our pupils, staff, governors and families to make Deer Park a place where young people, in fact everyone, can be the best they can be every day.’ Richard Clutterbuck, Headteacher.


Although the inspection was ungraded, it confirms the Deer Park is still a good school. The opening statement resonates powerfully across the school’s community and is one we recognise:


‘The values of ‘trust, kindness and determination’ pervade this school.’ Ofsted, January 2023.


The report highly commends the leadership of the school, captures the essence of the school’s ethos and applauds the positive relationships within the school’s community. Furthermore, it acknowledges the quality and breadth of the school’s curriculum, the commitment of staff and the strength of teaching.


‘When designing the curriculum, leaders have carefully considered the important knowledge and skills pupils should learn. This includes important knowledge from each subject and how best to teach it. For instance, in history, pupils learn about important historical concepts and how to use information from historical sources. Across the curriculum, teaching is ambitious about the subject-specific vocabulary that pupils should learn and use.’ Ofsted, January 2023.


Richard Clutterbuck, his team and local governing body are not complacent. They share our ambition for all pupils and will continue with their relentless focus on ensuring the curriculum meets the needs of all pupils and their pursuit of excellence:


‘We know that we still have plenty of work to do to take Deer Park even further. Reassuringly, the areas identified by Ofsted, are already within our development plan. This is helping us drive the school forward so that every member of our school community is safe, happy and successful.’ Richard Clutterbuck, Headteacher.


Chiquita Henson, Trust Lead (CEO) works closely with Richard Clutterbuck and The Corinium Education Trust’s other headteachers. She knows the school exceptionally well and is confident that it, and all within it, will continue thrive.


‘The Trustees and I are delighted to congratulate Cirencester Deer Park School and all members of its learning community on this highly commendable Ofsted report. I am especially pleased to see that the school’s positive ethos has been recognised alongside the hard work and dedication of its pupils, staff and leaders.’  Chiquita Henson, Trust Lead (CEO).
