Career Opportunities within our Multi-Academy Trust
Our small, but growing multi-academy trust with schools in Cirencester and the South Cotswolds is a great place to learn, teach and lead.
We are recruiting teachers and school leaders across all of our schools, both primary and secondary. Current vacancies include:
- Headteacher, Kemble Primary School
- Headteacher, Siddington Church of England Primary School
- Head of Upper School, Chesterton Primary School
- Assistant Head of Ethics and Computing, Cirencester Deer Park School
- Teacher of Maths, Cirencester Deer Park School
We hope that aspiring school leaders and experienced teachers, as well as those new to the profession, will consider a career within The Corinium Education Trust and take the opportunity to join us on our journey and, as they develop in their roles, contribute to our future development and improve the learning and life chances of our children and young people.
In 2022 The Corinium Education Trust will open a new primary school in Cirencester and we aim to appoint a strong staff team to help us take this exciting project forward.
We are looking for creative, enthusiastic and inspiring teachers and school leaders who are open to fresh challenges and support and willing to work collaboratively within one of our current school teams and across our Trust.
We offer:
- A community of like-minded professionals committed to working collaboratively in the best interests of our pupils and to bring about school improvement;
- The opportunity to engage in MAT-wide teams and contribute to shaping our future;
- An induction programme for new staff and support to help you develop as a leader;
- Cross-phase research and evidence-based continuing professional development;
- Access to InCET, our virtual staff room that enables teachers and leaders across The Corinium Education Trust to engage in professional discussion, moderate and liaise with each other;
- Talent identification and comprehensive skills development;
- Career progression and the opportunity to develop further as teachers and/or leaders in one or more of our schools over time.
We are also seeking to appoint new members of our support staff teams who play critical roles in supporting our pupils and contribute to the smooth operation of, and teaching and learning in each of our schools.
For more information about these vacancies, please visit our individual school websites.